In this section, you will find a collection of tools and resources created and provided by the Penn-Temple LTC RISE team.
For any questions or to access any of these programs, please get in touch with us to connect with your LTC RISE team member. Contact us via email at ltcrisepartners@pennmedicine.upenn.edu or by phone at 215-707-1300.
Medical/Clinical Program Offerings
The RISE Medical/Clinical team offers a variety of individualized, Person-Centered medical/clinical education modules to support your community in promoting quality outcomes and resiliency. For more information, click here.
Behavioral Health Education
The Behavioral Health team offers virtual and in-person education and training sessions tailored to the availability and needs of our long-term care communities. We aim to expand staff knowledge across various behavioral health topics. For more information, click here.
Social Work Consultation
The Social Work team provides guidance and peer support to social workers and discharge planners in long-term care communities. The goal is to expand their knowledge, address challenges, and build confidence, ultimately enhancing the quality of care for residents. For more information, click here.
Infection Prevention
Train yourself and your staff on best practices in infection prevention. For a complete toolkit of resources, click on the above Invention Prevention link.
External Resources
Click here to see more resources!